Saturday, July 27, 2013

Off-Grid Living with Renewable Energy

Off-Grid Living with Renewable Energy

Off-Grid Living with Renewable Energy
Life off the electricity grid, using renewable energy, with best selling author William "Bill" Kemp and his wife, living the good life with a low impact on t...
Video Rating: 4.682997 / 5

Renewable Energy Lesson 8 Living Off The Grid

About the Author: Tim McDonald and his wife have been living off the grid since June 200If you want to learn to make your own diy renewable energy and save thousands on your electricity bills, then Try Earth4Energy For FREE, before you go out and start any renewable energy project.
Living off the grid is the Holy Grail for many eco-friendly households. How to completely get off the grid with solar panels and windmills is a serious question that should be considered not just by the sandal wearing, dashiki loving community but by soccer moms and business professionals alike. No longer is being off the grid code word for that crazy loon in the mountains.
Living Roofs: Living roofs also known as green roofs are roofs that have plant vegetation growing on them. Some can be grasses, some can be native plants. These roofs are popular with the cob cottage crowd. So I also thought that these would be pretty good roofs for off-grid living. But, my research has shown me that living roofs are not the best. Yes they are cheap and relatively easy to put up, however, they absorb all of your water, are very heavy so much so that many structures cannot support them and do not really do anything for you. They don't give you heat or electricity, they can require additional watering, and they don't contribute in anyway except to provide additional oxygen for your surroundings but if you are living off the grid chances are there are lots of plants already around you. And, if there is one thing that is important when living off grid it's making use of everything that you have. So, living roofs are cheap, they are easy but they don't contribute in any way shape or form and furthermore they hoard the rainwater that falls on them. So, once again I would pass on living roofs unless you really have no money and this is all you can afford.
What does it mean to live off the grid? Living off the grid means unplugging your home from the electric grid. It means no power lines, no consumption usage indicator, no electric bills. It allows you to freely use electricity without the worry of consuming too much and therefore, paying a steep price for this convenience. Living off the grid is cost-efficient, environment-friendly, 100% sustainable and more important of all, a viable option that is available to anyone who wants to benefit from it.
The benefits of off grid living to you! Living off the grid as previously explained reduces your dependence on the finite sources of polluting carbon based fossil fuels used by power utilities to generate power. By going off grid you reduce the amount of money that the nation pays as a whole to oil supplying countries, which increases the nations internal investment in other important areas. The amount of savings can be quite significant especially for countries that are big consumers of energy like the United States which is estimated to consumes 25% off all the energy produced in the world.
The problem that many have when they think about living off the grid is that they feel they will be missing out on a lot. The answer is...they will. If you are very attached to all the conveniences that comes with grid power then there is probably going to be some problems. The truth is renewable energy does have it's weaknesses and limitations. It does have it's inconveniences but these are minor depending on how much you gain. The amount of power that you can generate is enough to take care of all of your needs but the more energy you are accustomed to using, the more expensive it will be to go off grid.
To find ways that you can start living off the grid or even just save yourself money by making your own energy go to There are very affordable ways that you can start producing your own energy that you can make yourself. Click here to find out what is available to you.
While the idea of putting forth the expense to start living off the grid may seem like a difficult one , there are things that you can do and learn that will make it easier. You can live off the grid and not only do it economically but you can do it yourself making many of the things you need on your own.
Have you ever considered installing home solar panels? With the rapid usage of current power supplies, the increasing demand for power alternatives and the consistent warnings about the environment, there are many signs telling us it is time to take action. What can be done? One popular option is living off the grid.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Tesla Energy What It Can Do For You

Tesla energy is one of the alternative sources of energy that we are looking into. It is based on the principle of gathering waves and converting it into energy. It can also be transmitted wirelessly to any device. This is the cleanest form of energy because it does not need to use fossil fuel. It can convert electricity to a high-voltage, high-frequency, low-amperage power.
Later, after his death, some of the recent inventors unconcealed the history of Tesla and his project on free energy receiver. It is beneficial to use Tesla energy or Tesla energie receiver in many ways. The first thing is that it will provide free electricity. Secondly, you have to spend hundred dollars to construct the receiver. Thirdly, it can be operated in every type of weather. Fourthly, it is very easy to manufacture the receiver. Fifthly, it is safe to use and eco friendly.
With the thought of saving on your electric bill, Tesla Energy is the solution that would be perfect for your home. It is not only cheaper but there is little or no cost for maintenance. This is more noteworthy than the solar panels which, at the moment, still dependent on the sun. This alternative source of energy has the potential of lowering costs in your house. And ultimately, help save the environment.
With the thought of saving on your electric bill, Tesla Energy is the solution that would be perfect for your home. It is not only cheaper but there is little or no cost for maintenance. This is more noteworthy than the solar panels which, at the moment, still dependent on the sun. This alternative source of energy has the potential of lowering costs in your house. And ultimately, help save the environment.
The Tesla energy generator has literally taken the home DIY energy market by storm. It's probably the most advanced and unique DIY energy creator that has ever been produced to date and thousands of home DIY energy enthusiasts are adding Tesla energy to generate their home electricity.
You will also have the capability to vastly reduce your electric bill by using the concept of Tesla energy and you could even eliminate your electric bills completely – the number 1 reason why people are grabbing the opportunity to utilize this amazing free energy source!
Alternative source of energy is now available with Tesla Energy. This type if energy revolves around using what is around to power your home. Great for savings and you do your part in saving our ecosystem.
Tesla had thoroughly studied physics as a young kid, and even back then knew he would be able to harness power from natural water falls. Inspired from the law of conservation of energy, which states that "Energy can not be created nor destroyed, but it can be changed" (Tesla). Tesla understood that flowing water created a mechanical type of energy known as kinetic energy, and that if harnessed correctly, he could transfer it to electrical energy to power numerous inventions. In the design used for Niagara Falls, the water then would flow through a shaft to turn a turbine which generates a polyphase alternating electric current. (Lenntech) The voltage was then stepped up and transmitted over long distances where it would be stepped down according to where it would be used. Finally, in 1893 Tesla was given the chance to create this in conjunction with George Westinghouse. He worked on the Niagara power generating system to send the mass amount of electricity large cities would need to have an adequate power supply that was affordable. When reporters asked Tesla what he thought the effects of such power being affordably transmitted into Buffalo would do to the city, he responded by saying that this achievement would make Buffalo the "greatest city in the world" (Jonnes 326). The project was extremely profitable, and set the standard for hydroelectric power plants for years to come. The main alternative to the Niagara Falls project was to use man made generators to create large amounts of electricity. This was extremely expensive in comparison to harnessing power from Mother Nature. This project was extremely important because it allowed for an entire region to experience electricity at affordable prices, leaving the rest of the world to want the same. This action set back the gas market, and really opened up a new sector for electricity. With this feat, Tesla showed the world an efficient way of harnessing power that is still used by several countries, such as Norway who gets ninety-nine percent of their energy from hydroelectric power (Lenntech).

The History of Nikola Tesla - a Short Story

The History of Nikola Tesla - a Short Story

The History of Nikola Tesla - a Short Story

Friend me on Facebook! For freelance/business inquiries - Nikola Tesla was born on July 10th 1856, in the ...

Video Rating: 4.9431887 / 5

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tesla Free Energy Generator The Secret From 100 Years Before

Of course, the original Tesla FREE energy generator plans have recently been released -or leaked, it seems as if everything about Nikola Tesla will always be shrouded in some type of mystery. Except for the fact that many will finally experience the Tesla free energy theory first hand -as these plans have been re-constructed by some of todasy best and brightest scientific minds.(With the only changes being updated tools and materials that have long since been used instead of the things that Tesla had to use in the 1800's).
And to top it all, the "Tesla Secret" carries a 100% money back guarantee if you should not be happy with the product so investing in the Nikola Tesla free energy generator product is completely free of risk.
Tesla was edited out of text books which now only spoke about Edison and Einstein as the leadings lights in science, physics and electricity. His name no longer appeared in Global Education and it is difficult to find traces of his work anywhere. However, an e-mail entitled "Nikola Tesla's Free Energy Generator Plan Revealed" landed in my inbox the other day and what it told me almost beyond belief. The plans for Nikola Tesla free energy generator had somehow resurfaced - and they actually work on paper as well as in real life. At long last, Tesla's work is getting the recognition it deserves. If only he was here to witness it. With Nikola Tesla's generator put to work, we will no longer have to pay for electricity, which is actually a free planetary energy form available all around us. Hopefully Tesla will be remembered for the sacrifices that he has made.
The Tesla free energy generator, based on plans developed by Nikola Tesla more than a century ago, has been receiving more and more attention as the world struggles to find viable alternative sources of energy.
The Nikola Tesla free energy generator device is currently the top DIY project featured on the internet for anyone hoping to find an alternative energy source. No wonder, with electricity companies charging and average of $0.11 per kwh for energy. This translates to approximately 2,500 to 3,000 kwh of power being billed for the average household who ends up paying between $275 and $330 for electricity per billing cycle - and that is before taxes and other expenses have been added.
Of course, the original Tesla FREE energy generator plans have recently been released -or leaked, it seems as if everything about Nikola Tesla will always be shrouded in some type of mystery. Except for the fact that many will finally experience the Tesla free energy theory first hand -as these plans have been re-constructed by some of todasy best and brightest scientific minds.(With the only changes being updated tools and materials that have long since been used instead of the things that Tesla had to use in the 1800's).
In the light of the current economic crises it is no wonder people want to avoid these costs and are looking at green energy options. As opposed to wind and solar generators, the Nikola Tesla free energy generator is inexpensive and easy to build. This is not a popular development with the big power companies since anyone can now use the Tesla Secret handbook to build their on Nikola Tesla free energy generator to benefit from the unlimited energy sources freely available around us.
By utilizing the zero stage Tesla generator, it's feasible to produce electrical energy for close to absolutely nothing. This kind of magnetic generator can create electrical energy practically totally free. You are able to build the gear your self and produce your personal totally free electrical energy nearly constantly.
When hearing about the Nikola tesla free generator, it would-be fair to ask if it is true that free energy generators exist. I'd like to tell you for what happened to me lately and you can compose your own mind. I recently found a most shocking book called "Man from the Plant Rizq" and I'll never be the same again! I generally avoid literature that confronts my value system but this publication included some hard hitting advice about people who have made tremendous strides with scientific achievements. The two most memorable achievers described were Edward Leedskalnin and Nikola Tesla. Edward was of little stature but constructed a huge monument which he called "Coral Castle" using electromagnetic manipulation. He's remembered today for recording his magnetism knowledge in a book on moral instruction.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Nicola Tesla Energy Is Awesome

You might be wondering why everyone is not on board with this, and why so many are still under the thumb of their electrical company. The main reason is that people are skeptical that such an invention as the Tesla generator actually exists, with many of those folks quick to scoff at the idea and continue paying their huge monthly bills. Are you going to be one of those that continue to follow along like a sheep, or are you going to take a chance to see if the Nikola Tesla energy generator can actually become a reality?
A lot of time has passed since then, and as is the case with all classified documents, his original papers are now part of the public record. That means that the  Tesla generator can now be available to anyone who has the time to build it themselves. Imagine being able to save anywhere from 60% to 100% on your energy bill each and every month and you have an idea of exactly what the Nikola Tesla energy generator can do for you and your home. A simple Google search will quickly reveal all sorts of plans that will show you exactly how to build one on your own.
Solar power is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to drive juice into the home, and while it is an incredibly effective way to do so, the start-up costs are still prohibitive for many. It seems ironic to think that the same man that invented the alternating current, which is responsible for our electrical power, would also be the same person that held the key to everyone having free power in their homes, courtesy of the Nikola Tesla energy generator.
If the quantity of water that is condensed in and subsequently precipitated from a cloud is known, then the total energy of a thunderstorm can be calculated. In an average thunderstorm, the energy released amounts to about 10,000,000 kilowatt-hours (3.6×1013 joule), which is equivalent to a 20-kiloton nuclear warhead. A large, severe thunderstorm might be 10 to 100 times more energetic.
MRI scans require a magnetic field with two properties, uniform field density and strength. The magnetic field cannot vary more than 1/10,000 of 1% and field strength ranges (depending on the scanner) from 0.2 to 3 teslas in strength in scanners currently used clinically, with research scanners investigating higher field strengths such as 7 teslas. The lower field strengths can be achieved with permanent magnets, which are often used in "open" MRI scanners for claustrophobic patients. Higher field strengths can be achieved only with superconducting magnets. An MRI with a 3.0 tesla strength magnet may be referred to as a "3-T MRI" or "3-tesla MRI"
The Tesla secret brings you FREE power, electricity, and energy that is easy to build, easy to use, and easy to transport. We;ll go step-by-step into the Tesla secret to show you how it;s possible to get FREE Electricity.
In a dual resonant solid-state Tesla coil (DRSSTC), the electronic switching of the solid-state Tesla coil is combined with the resonant primary circuit of a spark-gap Tesla coil. The resonant primary circuit is formed by connecting a capacitor in series with the primary winding of the coil, so that the combination forms a series tank circuit with a resonant frequency near that of the secondary circuit. Because of the additional resonant circuit, one manual and one adaptive tuning adjustment are necessary. Also, an interrupter is usually used to reduce the duty cycle of the switching bridge, in order to improve peak power capabilities; similarly, IGBTs are more popular in this application than bipolar transistors or MOSFETs, due to their superior power handling characteristics. Performance of a DRSSTC can be comparable to a medium power spark gap Tesla coil, and efficiency (as measured by spark length versus input power) can be significantly greater than a spark gap Tesla coil operating at the same input power.
In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and severed all relations with his family to hide the fact that he dropped out of school. His friends thought that he had drowned in the Mur River. Tesla went to Maribor (now in Slovenia), where he worked as a draftsman for 60 florins a month. He spent his spare time playing cards with local men on the streets. In March 1879, Milutin Tesla went to Maribor to beg his son to return home, but Nikola refused. Nikola suffered a nervous breakdown at around the same time.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator Patented in 1901!! COSMIC RAYS

Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator Patented in 1901!! COSMIC RAYS

Nikola Tesla Free Energy Generator Patented in 1901!! COSMIC RAYS
Tesla's free-energy concept was patented in 1901 as an "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy." The pa...
Video Rating: 4.59322 / 5

Electricity Nicola Can Make You Money

For this recipe to work, you need a silicon cake or bread mould. These can be bought in most cookery sections of bigger department stores or in cookery shops.They are inexpensive and have many advantages over traditional metallic cake tins in normal baking situations.
Even with all this effort to keep the world in order and prepare for the potential doomsday. There is some glimmer of hope and somethings to keep in mind. Not everyone is in agreement about the doomsday scenario for 2012.
Today, we are able to use free electricity, just because of Nikola Tesla. He was an incredible person and did numerous inventions. He made greatest contribution to the world. Perhaps, for him, today, we are able to use the electric grid system. Some of his biggest contribution includes brushless AC motor system, mechanical oscillator, high-power transformer and so on. He was the first person to make experiment with X-rays. Though, Edison is responsible for generating the direct current system. But, this DC system had some drawbacks. Power station needs s to be set up at every two miles then only electricity can be transmitted over long distances. It was not powerful enough to light the street lamps. Later, it was Nikola Tesla who invented the alternating current.
Thales' experiments with amber rods were the first studies into the production of electrical energy. While this method, now known as the triboelectric effect, can lift light objects and generate sparks, it is extremely inefficient. It was not until the invention of the voltaic pile in the eighteenth century that a viable source of electricity became available. The voltaic pile, and its modern descendant, the electrical battery, store energy chemically and make it available on demand in the form of electrical energy. The battery is a versatile and very common power source which is ideally suited to many applications, but its energy storage is finite, and once discharged it must be disposed of or recharged. For large electrical demands electrical energy must be generated and transmitted continuously over conductive transmission lines.
Definitely believe that which you said. Your favorite justification seemed to be on the net the easiest thing to be aware of. I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people think about worries that they just don’t know about. You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , people could take a signal. Will likely be back to get more. Thanks
He continued his research by imagining a flying disc powered by cancelling the force of gravity, an idea that would be studied by all the great scientific minds of the world for tens of years and even today. More than that Tesla imagined a thermal engine that uses the heat from the surrounding environment. The direct usage of solar energy also preoccupied him allot. "There is also the possibility, although unlikely, to obtain energy directly from the sun. Other sources of energy might be discovered, even new ways to use solar energy, but none of these can compare to the importance of transmitting solar energy at any distance wirelessly. It would be the best way to increase the force that accelerates human mass", said Tesla about the importance of his discoveries made at Colorado Spring. The Colorado Spring Experiment Tesla established his laboratory in 1899 in Colorado Springs, near Pikes Peak, hoping to make his dream come true: the wireless transmission of electrical energy through the ground or through the atmosphere. He kept a journal of everything he did in his laboratory fearing that his lab would be destroyed like in New York. He was ecstatic when his enormous oscillator actually produced artificial lightning that was one hundred times more powerful than the spark he had previously obtained in his New York lab. During a violent storm in Colorado, Tesla made one of him most remarkable discoveries:
A second generation RAV4 EV demonstrator was unveiled at the October 2010 Los Angeles Auto Show. Toyota built 35 of these converted RAV4s (Phase Zero vehicles) for a demonstration and evaluation program that ran through 2011. The lithium metal-oxide battery and other powertrain components are supplied by Tesla Motors. The RAV4 EV battery pack, electronics and powertrain components in the production version (unveiled in August 2012) are similar to those used in the Tesla Model S sedan launched in June 2012, and the Phase Zero vehicles used components from the Tesla Roadster.